Please Note: If your "Renew" button is missing then your membership has expired beyond the grace period and will now be archived. See below the roadmap for instructions another solution...
To get your organisation back on track you'll simply need to re-apply for your accreditation through the appropriate channel below. Your application will be fast-tracked since you been registered with ACRI previously and should only take a couple of hours before you are re-listed. Please follow the links below to match your organisation's membership type;
Corporate Membership 3 (Professional Technicians, Mobile Fitters, Small Retailers, Independents)
- This includes your accreditation re-application, Logbook App access, and all Member Support features.
Re-Apply for Membership ($595)Other Membership (Family Services, Automotive Dealerships, Large Retailer, etc)
- After application form is completed an invoice will be emailed to your accounts department.
Re-Apply for Membership (Form)
What payment methods are available?
Credit Card
Direct Deposit/Bank Transfer
Major Cryptocurrency