How do I know if my Installer is Accredited??

"Is this even legal??"

This is a question we encounter regularly from consumers, and there is a great deal of misunderstandings so in this article we are going to show you how to find out if a technician is accredited with the ACRI Network and then we'll tackle a few misunderstandings.

All ACRI Network Accredited technicians have access to a verification QR Code that can be used on their website, client receipts, etc. This QR Code will provide a link to your technician's ACRI verification showing information regarding their accreditation.

Already have your technician's Accreditation details? Great! You can check them at

Example Certificate


I have my accreditation but I don't know where to find my QR Code?
Contact ACRI through the web widget at the bottom right hand side of the page, or by emailing

Can I install my own child seat legally?
Absolutely! In Australia you should always be able to install your own child's car seat - there are no laws, and none in the pipeline as far as we know that would prevent you from installing your own child's safety seat. Child transport technicians encourage parents to glean as much information during the installation process as they can so that every child in Australia travels safely.

Can I install a child seat for someone else?
Yes! If you can help someone else with the safe transport of their child then, you should! If you are going to then make sure the information you provide is in accordance with Australian Standards, and best practice guidelines.

My technician is not accredited or has no certificate - is that even legal in Australia?
Yes. This might be surprising for some but in Australia there are no laws, in any State or Territory, compelling an individual or company to attain a certificate or accreditation for installing a child seat commercially. Smart technicians, however, will seek out both the initial training and ongoing support from a National organisation.
* Please note: Most insurers will require your technician to be trained and accredited to be able to sufficiently provide appropriate cover.

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