What is a Group?

Not sure what a group is? Then this article will help you break your team down into easily readable chunks.

Groups are an easier way for you to manage your teams. A group is simply a group is simply a way for you to group some of your team together. For example, some government organisations may separate their team's into LGA's or different locations so that their team's are easier to manage.

Public organisations might prefer to arrange their groups in different seasons such as Q1 2023 group so that it's easier for them to track a team going through training. Other organisations may simply separate their teams into States or Regions.

You can set your groups up in whatever description, demographic or breakdown that is easiest for you to understand - or simply have everyone in the one group if it's only a small team.

Don't stress too much about what to call your team's group as these details are changeable at any stage through the Manage Team button on your Members Dashboard.

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